
Magic Bus:Invitation for volunteer, tiles and pebbles removal, at MinamiSanriku town and MinamiSouma-city ← we will not be defeated RADIOACTIVITY and TSUNAMI!

 ● It is in Japan, and offers the chance of support in the stricken area to people from abroad who wants to support something.
● The chance of support in the stricken area is offered to you who wants to support something as the same Japanese.
● If it possible, please take money directly to the volunteer center.
● Please send the first-hand ,real information of seeing and feeling through the disaster recovery work of the tsunami, at any rate, to your family, friend, and business partner.

●The day 6/5 (sun.)
+1:30p.m: Sinjuku departure → 8:00p.m.: Miyagi Prefecture Osaki City arrival , Hotel stay
●The second day 6/6 (mon.) 
+6:30a.m.: Miyagi Prefecture Osaki City → 8:30a.m.: Minamisanriku town volunteer center
+10:00a.m.→4:00p.m. : Toles and pebbles removal work
+5:00p.m.:Minamisanriku town volunteer center →7:00p.m.:Miyagi Prefecture Osaki City wear , Hotel stay
●The third day   6/7(tue.)
+6:30a.m.: Miyagi Prefecture Osaki City → 8:30a.m.: Minamisanriku town volunteer center
+10:00a.m.→4:00p.m. : Toles and pebbles removal work
+5:00p.m.:Minamisanriku town volunteer center →8:00p.m.:Minamisouma City ,Tent village stay 
●The fourth day   6/8 (wed.)
+8:00a.m.: :Minamisouma City ,Tent village → 8:30a.m.:Minamisouma City Hara town volunteer center
+10:00a.m.→4:00p.m. : Toles and pebbles removal work
+5:00p.m.: Minamisouma City Hara town volunteer center → 5:30p.m.: Minamisouma City ,Tent village stay
●The fifth day   6/9(thu.)
+8:00a.m.:Minamisouma City departure → 4:30p.m.:Shinjuku station arrival

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